Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hindhead petrol station robbed at gunpoint

Another incident of armed criminals going about their business, unhampered by firearms legislation that prevents our Olympic pistol team from training.

The cashier of a Hindhead petrol station was threatened at gunpoint during a robbery by two masked men.
The robbery took place at 2230 BST on Saturday at the Total petrol station in Portsmouth Road.
The men left on foot with the contents of the till and two packets of cigarettes which had a total value of about £90.
They were about 5ft 2in tall. One was wearing a grey hooded top, dark trousers, gloves and a mask.
The other was wearing a dark hooded top, blue trousers, a black balaclava and had a black carrier bag.
Surrey Police are appealing for witnesses to the robbery.

Here's a similar incident from the US, but this time a young armed robber is subdued by a women and her pistol.

Robber gets shot by clerk

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